Thursday, September 3, 2020

Is Christian Morality Today Too Lenient

As indicated by the Cambridge Dictionary, Morality is an individual or social arrangement of guidelines for positive or negative conduct and character, or the nature of being correct, legitimate or adequate. It is naturally the manner in which you settle on choices dependent on what you believe is correct or wrong. It is this equivalent rule that today is influencing the Christian Population. Christians are being tormented with overwhelming inquiries, for example, Am I making the best decision? Would it be a good idea for me to make the best choice despite the fact that it might wind up influencing me? Why nonbelievers get the chance to have a ton of fun and I can’t? Because I go to chapel and I am a Christian, does it imply that I need to do what the congregation says? every day. Christian ethical quality hasn’t changed and ought not ever change. It is a steady. The New Testament advises us that Christian Morality is an agreement with God and humankind. Actually, Leviticus 19 says that we ought to follow his edicts and be good; not to take, not to lie, not to submit infidelity and so forth in the event that we intend to get to paradise. In any case, this admonition is by all accounts considered a misrepresentation due the measure of individuals who buy in to these laws appear to lessen each day. This, accordingly, offers motivation to my input that Christian profound quality is making some extreme memories making due because of its mercy. When contrasted with years past, the standard of Christian ethical quality has been exploited. Individuals will in general settle on choices presently dependent on social weights and what they feel will be acknowledged. They accept that on the grounds that the whole world is accomplishing something, they ought to as well or, in all likelihood they would be viewed as a pariah. Consequently, they wind up settling on their choices in vacuums, without a strong base. Before, the congregation, the general public, guardians and seniors had a contribution to controlling and aiding in the dynamic procedure of its youngsters. Truth be told, Christian Morality can be considered excessively open minded when contrasted with the modifier indulgent. For instance, numerous individuals watch things in motion pictures and TV that they shouldn't, some of the time home base with an inappropriate people and barely care about a consultation a grimy joke or something comparative. They put common things before God-sports, diversion, individuals, and their needs. A typical model in Belize is the readiness among young people to take part in sexual movement notwithstanding beneficiary Christian virtues. Despite the fact that the Christian church has certain standards that its devotees ought to follow, adolescents overlook them and turn on their great Christian ethics. The equivalent with the music; Christian music has meaning but since of needing to draw in young people, they utilize the beat of mainstream music. This modest strategy works; be that as it may, adolescents are pulled in to the sound of the music as opposed to the message. We live in a general public of sexuality, ruthlessness and mortality since our inspiration originates from our aching for â€Å"comfort†, â€Å"convenience† and â€Å"pleasure†. So as to accomplish this, individuals who practice to be good are assaulted and made unimportant. The individuals who shield past standards and attempt to rehearse their customary Christian qualities are being put down and turning into an immaterial minority. Liberal foundations denounce the congregation for its Christian virtues and attempt to ingrain in our young people indecency and deceptive qualities. I accept that the Christian Church need not change their ethics however attempt to become stricter while as yet keeping their customary qualities and ideally a sparkle of expectation will be lit.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Wireless Networking (WLAN) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Remote Networking (WLAN) - Essay Example Utilizing these gadgets clients can get to shared data helpfully without connecting and interface with different gadgets genuinely. The transmission of information between gadgets in the system happens by the basic procedure of regulation with radio frequencies going about as bearers of the data being transmitted. The RF is regulated by the data sign and conveyed to the less than desirable end. At the less than desirable end the specific data is extricated from the balanced sign by the procedure of demodulation. Various signs can be transmitted through air simultaneously given that their frequencies have a significant hole between them. As it were the recurrence of activity ought to appear as something else and they won't meddle. There are at least one gadgets known as ‘access points’ through which the remote gadgets impart. A passage (AP) is a straightforward transmitter/collector or ‘Transceiver’. A remote system interface card (NIC) is required to get to a remote system which is accessible in different structures. These days gadgets are accessible with worked in NIC’s. However, they can likewise be introduced independently last mentioned. These NIC’s likewise require vital programming drivers to be introduced for their working. Narrowband WLAN’s keep the transmission capacity of the radio recurrence signal as smaller as could be expected under the circumstances, so as to simply pass the data. Despite the fact that the separation between the gadgets is sensible however the rates accomplished are not comparable to required by the corporate clients. A general issue that could emerge in WLAN’s is the impedance, which can be overwhelmed by distributing various frequencies to various people. For this situation since the data transmission is limited, impedance can in all likelihood be stayed away from. These WLAN’s utilize wideband RF. The utilization of wideband sign aides in accomplishing more prominent paces. The most famous WLAN being utilized is 802.11b accomplishing a speed of around 11 Mbps. With the progression of innovation the velocities

Friday, August 21, 2020

Greater happiness for a greater number Essay Example for Free

More prominent satisfaction for a more noteworthy number Essay 1. Significant qualities and shortcomings of this objective. a.â Major Strengths I believe that the meaning of satisfaction introduced in the talk is basic and elegant.â what's more, I feel that the very endeavor to address the issue of bliss is vital and should shape the premise of brain research. b.â Major Weaknesses While I concur that brain research ought to have joy as the ideal mental state from which to address patient’s emotional wellness issues, I think there are a few shortcomings in the way to deal with decide how to get clientsâ€or individuals all in all, to see precisely what establishes satisfaction. 2. Significant individual bits of knowledge picked up In the wake of evaluating the talk materials and much idea, I thought that it was intriguing that the way to deal with joy is constrained distinctly to â€Å"physical† considerationswhen it is clear that individuals who have all the physical solaces and favorable circumstances are not the most cheerful. 3. Individual and expert application (assuming any) of a portion of the substance. a. Individual utilization of a portion of the substance While I view myself as a cheerful individual, I think it is principally from the point of view of being lucky to have met my physical needs (positive condition, beneficial encounters, status, assets). Be that as it may, I’m turning out to be progressively mindful that these things don't solely decide satisfaction. b. Proficient utilization of a portion of the substance  I am worried that while all the methodologies bomb by similarity to characterize man as a creature, they despite everything call him one. Man isn’t essentially a creature. Why?â Animals come up short on the capacity to have, communicate and fulfill these necessities (e.g., a creature can’t make an orchestra, or make art).â Also, creatures don't murder or make issues for different creatures for reasons of jealousy, detest or jealousyâ€only people do.â I expect to think about the substance, yet to examine and perhaps help to grow new thoughts regarding how to help people address their requirements by first understanding that they are as of now complete human beingsâ€no matter their conditions, who basically look for different approaches to communicate. Until we comprehend this we can’t help society. 4. Respond to significant regions of intrigue After some idea about Freud and Maslow’s approaches I started to feel that the defects in these two methodologies penetrate all ways to deal with a â€Å"model† of joy. Every significant methodologies are without otherworldliness, or the possibility that man is in excess of a creature with physical requirements. I feel that man is a profound being that is satisfying or communicating, through his body, in light of more elevated level needs. I feel that this methodology keeps people unhappy.â Why?â We propagate the legend that just through getting physical things, or outside conditions would we be able to accomplish happiness.â I need to make constructive brain research the foundation of my clinical methodology, and utilize training models good with a region I feel needs more investigation: how to affect individuals experiencing torment, to expand their bliss potential paying little mind to their â€Å"physical† (social, financial, and so on.) conditions.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

The Monkey’s Paw Essay - 550 Words

The Monkey's Paw Essay (Essay Sample) Content: The Monkeys PawThe Monkey's Paw represents a magic attraction presented in the home of the white family to aid in granting wishes to the owners. The story highlights the greed nature of man in desiring what owned by someone and which in the long-run proves costly. The story acts as a warning to the readers who imagines that what someone owns is always gold. In the story, Jacobs used the symbol of monkeys paw to represent the aspirations and needs entrusted to mankind. This represents a warning story to mankind who faces decision n their everyday lives to choose what is good or important in their lives. For instance, in the story, the whites are used to depict their good life before the monkey's paw is initiated in their midst. After their introduction, their moral values changes (Jacobs, 1997).This is a warning that every human being needs to be watchful in their desires. In the story, the white people are advised that their decisions are not always accompanied by t he best outcomes but rather more weird outcomes.The Whites ruin is evidenced by their desire and need to own more than what they need to survive. Mr. White with all his possessions of comfortable home and happy family uses the monkeys paw to obtain extra money above what he actually needs. In this story, Jacobs depicts the selfishness of mankind in his desire for more money which usually intensifies to bring more unhappiness and unfulfilled expectations. The desire by Mr. White to grab the thrown paw out of the fire in return for the 100 pounds wishes of which he receives in the most painful way.Mr and Mrs (Jacobs, 1997). White were represented with 200 pounds from the company of which Mr. White concluded that it was a gift from the paws unlimited power. Despite all the decent lives presented by him ranging from good home and family, he always desires mor... The Monkey’s Paw Essay - 550 Words The Monkey's Paw Essay (Essay Sample) Content: The Monkeys PawThe Monkey's Paw represents a magic attraction presented in the home of the white family to aid in granting wishes to the owners. The story highlights the greed nature of man in desiring what owned by someone and which in the long-run proves costly. The story acts as a warning to the readers who imagines that what someone owns is always gold. In the story, Jacobs used the symbol of monkeys paw to represent the aspirations and needs entrusted to mankind. This represents a warning story to mankind who faces decision n their everyday lives to choose what is good or important in their lives. For instance, in the story, the whites are used to depict their good life before the monkey's paw is initiated in their midst. After their introduction, their moral values changes (Jacobs, 1997).This is a warning that every human being needs to be watchful in their desires. In the story, the white people are advised that their decisions are not always accompanied by t he best outcomes but rather more weird outcomes.The Whites ruin is evidenced by their desire and need to own more than what they need to survive. Mr. White with all his possessions of comfortable home and happy family uses the monkeys paw to obtain extra money above what he actually needs. In this story, Jacobs depicts the selfishness of mankind in his desire for more money which usually intensifies to bring more unhappiness and unfulfilled expectations. The desire by Mr. White to grab the thrown paw out of the fire in return for the 100 pounds wishes of which he receives in the most painful way.Mr and Mrs (Jacobs, 1997). White were represented with 200 pounds from the company of which Mr. White concluded that it was a gift from the paws unlimited power. Despite all the decent lives presented by him ranging from good home and family, he always desires mor...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Political Scandals During The Twentieth Century - 986 Words

Corruption in campaigns, in the modern sense of candidates being swayed by corporate influence, was a result of the changes brought on by the Industrial and Technological Revolutions. These revolutions created millionaire captains of industry whose immense influence and power held sway over the future of the United States both economically and politically. Elections and campaigning methods drastically changed as technology allowed candidates to reach voters through new kinds of advertising. Gone were the days when being born in a log cabin was the key to door of the Oval Office, the effectiveness of a candidate’s campaign now correlated with the amount of money backing it. The early twentieth century also saw the continuance of the widespread corruption, particularly in the railroad industry, but also in political campaigns, that had plagued the late nineteenth century before it. The significance of this is that, while corruption had no doubt existed prior to this period, the sheer scale of this new corruption and the magnitude of the resulting political scandals was unlike anything America had witnessed before. Muckraking writer Lincoln Steffens, in his book The Shame of the Cities, described the problem of the political sphere of his time by stating: â€Å"politics is business. That s what s the matter with it. That s what s the matter with everything.† (Steffens 2) Something clearly needed to be done to stem the rising corruption and action came as the progressive movementShow MoreRelatedColonization Of The Americas, India, And Australia1923 Words   |  8 PagesBritain during the nineteenth century. European colonizers found themselves amongst natives, people they not only misunderstood but sought to reform in order to fit the British hegemony during this period. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Moneyball - 651 Words

Sandra Baah Business Statistics Dale Matheny February 29 2012 The book Moneyball by Michael Lewis is about a former major league baseball player who became the manager of the Oakland A’s. It tells the story of how he led the team to success despite their low budget by using computer based analytics to draft players. With the help of Bill James, the Oakland A’s came up with a new plan based on statistics to draft players. He went after players nobody wanted due to their low budget and his new plan. Billy led the Oakland Athletics to a successive win seasons by changing the way he measured players. He abandoned the traditional 5 â€Å"tool† the other scouts used and adopted empirical analytics. The abandonment of the traditional assessment of†¦show more content†¦Despite all these limiting factors it did not stop him from leading the team to a 20 consecutive wins. The Oakland A’s were different from other teams. They did not let anything stop them, they did extraordinary things. As their salary decreased they got better, this is very unusual. The new approach; sabermetrics helped the team change and improve in a short about of time. This new approach caused problems for the Oakland A’s. It caused problems with the team; Billy and the Oakland scouts. Some people and teams hate sabermetrics and think it does not help with winning. The new approach helped the Oakland A’s succeed because it was ethical. Billy Beane used numbers to evaluate the players. Numbers matter but can be misleading. By looking closely and understanding what he was doing Billy made good decisions based on numbers. The old approach was unethical because it misjudged the players. In the â€Å"old fashion statistics of the players some key important factors were left out. For instance the old statistics did not mention the number of walks a batter earned. This left out information misleads coach’s judgments and resulted in scouts undervaluing players. Just like in baseball there are large and small businesses. Businesses have to make decisions, decisions that will help the business in the long run. By using analytics business can measure their performance to know where they stand financially and economically. Numbers are very important in aShow MoreRelatedMoneyball1148 Words   |  5 PagesMoneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game The Oakland As, under the management of Billy Beane, found a gap in the baseball skills market that existed because most baseball scouts and managers used traditional methods of selecting players that were outdated and had little relationship with skills that brought success to teams. Traditionally, baseball scouts mainly used batting averages (BA) and Runs batted in (RBI) to sign new players. On-base percentage (OBP) was used too, but it was not givenRead MoreMoneyball Review1975 Words   |  8 Pagesthat the more a team spends on their payroll the more games they will win. With the absence of a salary cap baseball may seam unfair to the smaller market teams who cant bare the salary costs that the larger market teams can. In Michael Lewis Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game Lewis depicts just how the Oakland Athletics have been winning in an unfair game for almost a decade. The As are a small market team that doesnt have nearly the amount of money at their disposal that their competitorsRead MoreReview of Moneyball698 Words   |  3 PagesMoneyball Introduction Those who follow Major League Baseball closely were aware of the unconventional way the Oakland As went about re-building a ball club into a winner in 2002, after three superstars left the team as free agents en route to multi-million dollar paydays. Indeed, when Jason Giambi, Johnny Damon and Jason Isringhausen the biggest stars on the 2001 team head for the big bucks, general manager Billy Beane figures out a new way to win. This paper reviews the movie and moreover, whatRead MoreMoneyball: Lessons for Business1245 Words   |  5 PagesAt its core, the book Moneyball, to me, is about leadership and overcoming resistance to change to create a sustainable competitive advantage. In Moneyball a new General Manager challenges a traditional industry with a new paradigm. He successfully deals with the resulting resistance from the more tradition oriented employees. In the case of the Oakland A s this has led to a substantial competitive advantage through lower costs (their payroll goes down) and improved output (the have a higher percentageRead MoreMoneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game600 Words   |  3 Pages Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, is a non-fiction book written by Michael Lewis. The book is about a former baseball player that became a manager of a US baseball team named, Oakland Athletics. It is a real life encounter of the protagonist Billy Beane, a major league baseball player, who brings together a strong baseball team, despite financial constraints. Billy was able to assemble a strong baseball team while employing innovative strategies and techniques. He invented a systemRead MoreSubjective and Objective Data in Moneyball1762 Words   |  7 Pageshave been keen to dig into the usefulness of the concept posed by the book money ball. The main idea in money ball in simple terms is that statistical analyses are better predictors than our intuition. This paper will explore the literature around moneyball and its influence in management. Fist an overview of moneball, the New York Times bestseller money ball is a book about baseball, it describes how Billy Beane a general manager of the Oakland team change major league baseball by using sabermatricsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Moneyball By Michael Lewis1352 Words   |  6 Pagesshow a story about the same topic normally are a little different if not a lot different than the other. Other stories such as Moneyball written by Michael Lewis are pretty similar comparing core topics. In 2001, Lewis, living in Berkeley California noticed something unusual was going on. The Oakland A’s baseball team were consistently winning on a small budget. Moneyball is a nonfiction story, both the movie and book revolve around the same main topics dealing with the Oakland A’s, and how coachRead MoreWhy I Would Love : Mavs Moneyball?856 Words   |  4 Pages1) Why do you want to contribute to Mavs Moneyball? There are a multitude of reasons why I would love to contribute to the site. Firstly, I ve been an avid reader for the better part of two years. I love the site and it s my go to place for all things Mavs, which is becoming harder and harder to find these days. Secondly, and more importantly, I absolutely love the NBA and the Mavs. My first true memory of the Mavs was Game 3 of the 2003 Western Conference Semi-Finals vs. the Kings. As IRead MoreAnalysis Of Moneyball The Art Of Winning An Unfair Game By Michael Lewis1624 Words   |  7 Pagesleadership and how Michael Lewis applied them in his book. I will provide a synopsis of the overall concept of his theory, as well as providing a breakdown of how our concepts of organizational theory relate to this overall process called Moneyball. Summary Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair game by Michael Lewis details how an economic model created to improve overall winning percentages. The book describes to us how the Oakland A’s, MLB team, have been unsuccessful with winning in an unfair leagueRead MoreMichael Lewis Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game Essay1913 Words   |  8 Pagesthat the more a team spends on their payroll the more games they will win. With the absence of a salary cap baseball may seam unfair to the smaller market teams who cant bare the salary costs that the larger market teams can. In Michael Lewis Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game Lewis depicts just how the Oakland Athletics have been winning in an unfair game for almost a decade. The As are a small market team that doesnt have nearly the amount of money at their disposal that their competitors

Decision Making and Problem Solving Two Overarching Methods

Question: Describe about the Decision Making and Problem Solving for Two Overarching Methods. Answer: Company Background: The two overarching methods decision-making and problem solving are one of the most important factors for running a business organization effectively. The business managers have to play a major role in order to make any decision regarding organizational goal. The Iconic is one of the growing online retail chains occupying a predominant place in the realm of retail industry, especially popular for its fashion industry. Started its journey in the year 2011, this organization has receive a large number of responses from social media. Within the year 2013, the organization has received 500,000 responses from Facebook and 80,000 responses from Instagram due to their excellent service process ( 2016). However, at the late 2013, the business flow of The Iconic started to flatten due to ineffective decision-making process of the management. Employees showed their reluctance for providing effective services to the customers. As a result, the entire business process was hampere d due to this management issue. Management problem At the beginning of 2014, the employees showed their stubborn attitude due to some of the major issues. They took a unanimous decision of being indifferent towards the services (Clarke 2013). Among some of the major managerial problem, one particular problem raised vigorously. Employees at the particular time become furious to adjust themselves within the internal environment of The Iconic. Lack of implementing appropriate leadership style inside the organization had become one of the major issues raised by the employees. As per the point of views of organizational existing staffs, The Iconic likes to follow autocratic leadership style at the workplace. With the help off autocratic leadership style, the organizational managers do not intend to share any opinion before making business strategy or policy for the organization. In addition, managers intend to impose their decision on the employees regarding the business goal. Therefore, employees feel de-motivated for providing their bes t services towards the business goal (Garca-Morales, Jimnez-Barrionuevo and Gutirrez-Gutirrez 2012). However, the implementation of Autocratic leadership style at the workplace has rendered a major threat for the business organization for maintaining their business process effectively. Employees failed to provide good customer services (Ghorbanian, Bahadori and Nejati 2012). As a result, the entire process of business was serious affected due to this. The customers after receiving an ineffective service process stopped to use the products and services of The Iconic. Research question: Research question primarily focuses on the research problem or issue based on which the entire work would be conducted. In this specific topic, the research questions are as follows: What are the major impacts of following appropriate leadership style at the workplace? Which would be the best leadership style for a business organization based on which they can maintain a good relation with both the employees as well as managers? What should be the recommendation to the management in order to maintain an effective employee relation at the workplace? Research Program: In order to acquire sufficient knowledge and information in that particular issue an effective research program has been decided to be conducted. The entire research program can be conducted in five specific sections that include introduction, literature review, research methodology, data analysis and findings and finally conclusion. In the introduction part, detailed introduction has been provided regarding the research problem. The Iconic had to face immense difficulties in order to maintain the entire process of business at the end of 2013. The organization intended to follow autocratic leadership at the workplace (Goleman, Boyatzis and McKee 2013). As a result, the existing workers did not get any scope to express their point of views regarding the betterment of business. Automatically the performance level of the employees has been demolished. After identifying the research issue, an effective literature review is also been conducted. In this particular section, a detailed and critical analysis is conducted regarding the impact of proper leadership style at the workplace and on the employee performance, the importance of maintaining leadership theory for the managers at the workplace and the factors that affect highly on the employee performance (Huber 2013). On the other hand, research methodology is the systematic process with the help of which necessary data and information regarding the research issue can be conducted. Based on the collection of data an effective analysis is evaluated. In this particular study, a specific problem has been pointed out at the management of The Iconic. The managers fail to maintain an effective communication with the existing workers. Before taking any decision, the employees are not been informed properly. As a result, employees lose their interest to provide an effective service process to the organization. In order to collect sufficient data and information, data collection method is applied, be it primary or secondary (John and Taylor 2014). In the last section that is conclusion, some of the major recommendations can be provided. Here, recommendation would be provided on how The Iconic would be able to maintain an effective employee relation at the workplace. Figure 1: Conceptual framework of Research Program (Source: Created by Author) Carry out the research: In this particular section, a detailed description has been provided regarding the use of appropriate research methodology. In order to collect sufficient data and information some of the appropriate research philosophy and approach are selected. Post positivism research philosophy can be chosen in order to deal with the research issue. Post positivism philosophy is associated with repeated observation coupled with appropriate data or evidence. With the help of post positivism philosophy of research, an in-depth observation can be conducted on how The Iconic tends to make their business strategy and policy within the organization (Kara et al. 2013). The interpersonal communication between the employers and the employees can also be observed by applying business post-positivism research philosophy. Deductive approach has been decided to be applied for this particular study. Deductive approach is based on case study. In order to collect necessary data and information an effective case study from secondary resources can be conducted in order to know companys business plans and policy regarding employee retention. Sourcing of both primary and secondary data: In this specific research, both the primary and secondary data can be collected in order to acquire sufficient knowledge and information regarding the research issue. Primary data can be collected by conducting an effective survey as well as interview. More than 50 employees are involved to express their point of views (Laschinger, Wong and Grau 2012). Here, the employees can be asked why they are not getting motivation for providing an effective service to the employees. The employees can share their point of views on how they have to face various challenges in order to survive at the workplace. At the same time, qualitative data can be collected by taking an effective interview session to five managers. They are requested to share their point of views why autocratic leadership has been followed at the workplace instead of participative or transformational leadership style. On the other hand, secondary source of data can be collected from various newspapers, magazines, journals and various newspapers. Secondary data collection technique is constituted with three types that include case study analysis, observational analysis and thematic analysis. In this specific research, case study analysis technique is used in order to gather data and information. Findings and analysis: In the data analysis and findings section, an in-depth analytical overview can be presented on how participants would respond on the specific research issue. Both the survey and the interview would be conducted in order to collect data (Lutz Allen, Smith and Da Silva 2013). Based on the response of the participants, the entire process of reach can be evaluated. With the help of case study analysis, the data analyst would be able to acquire an in-depth knowledge on how the organization has to face major crisis at the time of repeated employee turnover at that specific time. The service providers had to face immense difficulties in order to maintain a balance demands and supply of the products. Recommendations: Based on the research issue the recommendations that can be provided are as follows: Implementing participative leadership style at the workplace: Participative leadership is the form of leadership style with the help of which both the leaders and the employees can equally participate within the business process and services (Westerberg and Tafvelin 2014). With the help of this particular leadership style employees are able to share their opinion regarding the business goal. Both the managers and the employees have the equal contribution on the decision making process. As a result, the organization like The Iconic would be able to take a collective decision. Maintaining employee relation within the organization: Employee relation can be maintained only when employers tend to maintain a participative relation at the workplace. The employers would have to make an effective communication with the employees in order to know their problems and difficulties at the workplace (Nixon, Harrington and Parker 2012). Employees should not show their hesitation for sharing any kind of opinion with the managers. The employers should always maintain a friendly environment at the workplace. As a result, people would be able to provide their best effort for rendering the success of an organization. How should the management problem be solved? The management problem of The Iconic that has been identified currently can be solved in several ways: Conducting a face-to-face session with the employees: Within a limited span of time, employers should always make a face-to-face communication with the employees in order to know their difficulties at the workplace. Direct communication is possessed with several advantages. Employees are able to provide an immediate feedback to the managers (Randereev and Ghaffar Chaudhry 2012). On the other hand, managers come to know the problems and difficulties of the employees directly from their own mouth. Individual communication helps the managers to record every problem categorically. As a result, the employees do not have to face much difficulty to get a sound suggestion from the managers. The Iconic should be concerned about the fact. Making collective decision at the time of changing organizational policies and strategies: Collective decision-making process would never be possible without implementing participative leadership style at the workplace. Participative leadership allows the employees t share their own opinion regarding meeting the business target (Rodd 2012). Managers never like to impose their decision on the employees. As a result, at the time of making any decision at the workplace, the organizational managers would be able to involve existing staffs for taking a collective decision. Therefore, leadership style plays a major role for rendering the success of a business organization. An effective leadership style can make a strong communication between the employees and the organizational managers. Reference List: Clarke, S., 2013. 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